These websites have been chosen for their quality and special relevance for new teachers.
Though this is not Australian, it provides some useful material.
Select the continent/location. Click on any country on the chosen continent map to get the links to ten current news headlines for that country. Click on the headline link to reach the article. Try this... zoom in on the map and click on a city to get news specific to that area of the selected
Philosophy from YouTube
Monty Python - International Philosophy
For those who know their philosophers, check them out on YouTube
(not sure about this, but you might like to add your school library?)
School-Libraries.Net is the largest directory of school library and available on the net. It has recently changed hosts and is now hosted by, a service to the library community offered by the H. W. Wilson Company.
Now we need your help:
1. Please visit School-Libraries.
2. We are not strong in the international libraries listed. We would like to add more countries and many libraries from each country. If you would like to list your library, or school, please send us the information requested at School-Libraries.
have the more useful the site will become.
Check the website for more information.